Healthy Changes

If you’ve noticed the sun rising earlier and setting later, that’s nature’s way of giving us a little prod saying “Hold on, spring is on the way! “. Let’s try and make some changes in our diet and health that will pay big dividends in the coming months.
There are many changes that are small, but add up over time. For example, how many of you drink something with your dinner? Many times people use a dinner table drink to wash down the food they are eating which defeats the purpose of slowly chewing, swallowing, enjoying and digesting our food. Restrict yourself from drinking during dinner and you’ll find you’ll slow down your eating and digestion as well as enjoy the meal. As an added bonus if you’re busy family schedules permit, sit down to that dinner with family…..with phones OFF! Small changes.
Another small change is to reduce the amount of sugared drinks.
Sugar Facts: It’s recommended that we consume no more than 9.5 teaspoons of sugar a day, but did you know that a 12 ounce can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar?
If you drink one soda per day, in one year you will have consumed an astonishing 35 POUNDS OF SUGAR from soda alone!! Make a resolution to make soda an occasional treat and if you’re hooked on that carbonated Fitz, use a soda stream to carbonate water and mix with a little pomegranate juice. Just as good as a soda, but good for you!
We can all start with one or two small changes until it becomes a habit then add an additional change. Park a little farther from the entrance to the store or work. Take the dog for a walk the long way. Change the rice or pasta for extra servings of vegetable. For example: Cauliflower Rice or Zucchini Linguine, make great replacements.

Small changes will eventually lead to a good result until we make it a daily practice. This could be the summer you wear that bathing suit you promised yourself you would wear last year.

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