Healthy Fall Snacking

As fall quietly creeps up on us and summer fades, our eating habits change but it’s not always for the better. The arrival of colder temperatures stirs our bodies to crave more carbs, just like bears and many other animals that are known to over eat and put on pounds to get them through the winter. Although humans have evolved, our metabolism remains rooted in survival techniques that evolved over time. The expression “you can’t fight Mother Nature” comes to mind.

The fall holiday season also brings temptations as we have numerous traditional foods that everyone wants to eat, from the normal excess of thanksgiving to the sweets and sugar binges surrounding Christmas. Follow these tips to try and hold back the worst of the holiday season.

Make sure you keep alternate lower calorie snacks on hand, especially at work where co-workers can quickly change your plans with pastries and candy.

A breakfast of a organic multigrain bread (Dave’s Killer 21 grain organic bread from Costco is outstanding… is Dave’s amazing personal tale of addiction and recovery) with almond or peanut butter provides protein and high fiber slow digesting carbs that stick to your ribs and keeps you satisfied longer.

A great snack to bring to work is a hardboiled egg, protein rich and filling.

Try and break at least one bad eating habit you have. If it’s that flavored Starbucks Mocha coffee in the Venti size, make it a short or tall drink instead and cut your calories in half. Better yet, try a plain coffee to save calories and money, it’s a win, win!

Make an effort to get just a little more exercise as the days get shorter and we spend less time outdoors. Take the stairs whenever possible, walk a few blocks more to the next subway or bus stop and get out during the day for at least a little bit of sunshine and fresh air.

While no one wants to diet during the holidays (and would most likely fail if attempted), try these little things to alleviate at some of the effects of poor eating that the holiday season always brings.

Eat Well – Be Well!
Chef Bill

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